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Datseinied byd ‘Hosanna’,
Fe gafwyd y Meseia,
Mae’n destun mwya mawr.
Eneidiau oll cydgenwch
Yn rhwydd i Iôr yr harddwch
Am gofio llwch y llawr.
Disgyn o’i ddisglair orsedd
I agor drws trugaredd
Mewn rhyfedd gariad rhad.
Wnaeth llywydd mawr y lluoedd,
I’n codi o’r dyfnder oedd
I wledd oedd Canaan wlad.

Daeth cannad yr Anfeidrol
A lliaws o lu nefol
 phêr blygeiniol gân
I blith bugeiliaid gwaelion
Gan ddatgan y newyddion,
Gantorion glywsion glân;
Mawr sŵn eu cenadwri
Fod Ceidwad wedi ei eni
I’n dwyn o g’ledi’n glir.
Ei foli yn ofalus
A chofio’i ddydd yn barchus
Sydd weddus i ni’n wir.

Dewch, dewch, eneidiau ato,
Mae’r Iôr yn achub eto
Bob un a gredo i Grist.
Trwy aberth mawr y rhinwedd
Cyfranna rad drugaredd,
Er maint y trosedd trist.
Mae’r Archoffeiriad nefol
Bob amser yno’n eiriol
Ar sail rhinweddol waed.
Drwy nesu mewn llawn hyder
Daw isel blant cyfyngder
O’r trymder ar eu traed.


Let the world resound with ‘Hosanna’,
The Messiah has come,
It is the greatest matter.
Let all souls rejoice
Easily to God of beauty
For remembering the dust of the floor.
Descending from his shining throne
To open the door of mercy
In strange free love.
The great leader of the hosts,
To raise us from the depth that was
To the feast that was the country of Canaan.

The voice of the Infinite came
And a multitude of heavenly hosts With a sweet song of praise
Among poor shepherds
Declaring the news,
Singers with pure ??voices;
Great is the sound of their message
That a Saviour was born
To bring us out of ?????? clear.
Praising him carefully
And remembering his day respectfully
Is seemly to us truly.

Come, come, souls to him,
The Lord still saves
Everyone who believes in Christ.
Through the great sacrifice of virtue Share freely-given mercy,
Despite the extent of tragic offence.
The heavenly High Priest
Always there in word
On the basis of virtuous blood.
By approaching in full confidence
Comes the lowest child of anguish ????
From the heaviness on their feet.