Difyrrwch Gwŷr y Gogledd (Llon)

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Dechreuwch, fawr a mân,
Eich rhydd dragywydd gân
I’r Un yn Dri, Duw hynod diwahân;
Yr hwn sy ben bob pryd
A’r fodau’r bythol fyd,
Gadawodd ef ogoniant nef i gyd.
E ddaeth ein Brenin mawr a’n Brawd
O lys y nef i le tylawd
Preswylydd y goleuni
Cawn wedi gwisgo cnawd.
Cyd-ddylem roi ein hufudd gred
Yng Nghrist, gan daenu clod ar led;
Y Maban gaed ym Methlem
Yr anthem iddo red.

O ddedwydd, ddedwydd awr
Y caed y Meddyg mawr;
O uchder nef golygydd ef i lawr.
Er gwisgo agwedd gwas,
Mae’n Frenin llawn o ras;
Gorchfygodd rym y gelyn llym ei gas.
Nid Duw ond dyn dan lid y Tad
Fu farw ar bren, mor fawr y brad!
Duwddyn, er ein diddanwch,
A wnaeth yr heddwch rhad,
Ac nid creadur gwan ei ryw
A ddaeth mewn hedd o fedd yn fyw
Y Drindod yn yr Undod,
Sef Duw mewn dyndod yw.

Dyrchafwn ninnau’n awr
Ei fythol enw’n fawr,
Ei allu ef sy’n llywio nef a llawr.
Hwn ydyw’r un a gaed
Yn ymdaith ar ei draed
Ar drafael drom o Edom yn ei waed,
Mae’n gwrando cwyn yr eiddil gwael, Efe yw’r penrheolwr hael
A Cheidwad gwan bechadur,
Pa gysur gwell i’w gael?
Ond rhaid i lygredd golli ei le,
A gwyro’n is, medd gwir y Ne’,
Cyn cael, drwy Air y Bywyd,
Afaelyd ynddo Fe.


Start, big and small,
Your everlasting free song
To the One in Three, remarkable undivided God;
The one who is greatest every time
And everlasting beings,
He left all the glory of heaven.
Our great King and Brother came
From the court of heaven to a poor place
The inhabitant of light
We are allowed (to see) dressed in flesh.
We should all give our obedience of belief
In Christ, spreading praise wide;
The Son who was born in Bethlehem
The anthem to him sung.

O happy, happy hour
The great Doctor was born;
From the height of heaven he looked down.
Although wearing the attitude of a servant
He is the King full of grace;
He overcame the force of the enemy strict in its hate.
Not God but man under the wrath of the Father
He died on wood, how great the betrayal!
The God-man, despite our amusement,
Made the peace cheap,
And not a weak creature
Who came in peace from the grave alive
The Trinity in the Unity,
That is God who is in man.

Let us promote now
His great eternal name,
It is His power that steers heaven and earth.
This is the one that was found
Walking on his feet
On the heavy journey from Edom in his blood
He hears the complaint of the poor frail,
He is the generous high ruler
And the Saviour of the weak sinner
What better comfort is there?
But corruption must lose its place,
And bend lower, says the truth one of Heaven
Before having, through the Word of Life,
Security in Him.