Difyrrwch Gwŷr Caernarfon

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1. Ar dy dymor gaeaf dyma’r ŵyl
Sydd annwyl annwyl in’;
Boed sain llawenydd ym mhob llu
Waith geni’r Iesu gwyn;
Dadseiniwn glod â llafar dôn
Rhoed y tylodion lef
Gan gofio’r pryd y gwelwyd gwawr
Eneiniog mawr y nef!

3. Wel, dyma gysur mawr i’r gwan
Sydd beunydd dan ei boen
Fod gwên maddeuant, meddiant mwyn
Yn wyneb addfwyn Oen;
Mae’n galw drwy’r efengyl bêr
Ar bawb yn dyner, dewch
Nesewch at aur gynteddau’r Tad
Trugaredd rad a gewch.

4. Fe bery cariad Iesu cu
Fyth i’w ryfeddau’n faith
Dadganu ei fawl, ryglyddawl glod
Sydd ormod, gormod gwaith;
Hyn oll yn awr a allwn ni
Sef lawen godi llef;
Pa fodd yn well i seinio clod
Cawn wybod yn y nef!


1. At your season of winter this is the festival
Which is beloved, beloved to us;
Let there be a sound of joy in all hosts
Truly the birth of the white Jesus;
Let us echo praise with spoken tone
Let the poor speak
Remembering when was seen the dawn
Of the great anointed of heaven!

3. Well, this is a great consolation to the weak
Who are in pain every day
That there is a smile of forgiveness, a gentle possession
In the gentle face of the Lamb;
He calls through the sweet gospel
To everyone gently, come
Approach the golden courts of the Father
Cheap mercy you will have.

4. The love of beloved Jesus will last
Always greatly to their wonder??
Declare his praise, roar his praise??
Which is too much, too many times; ??
All this now we can do
Which is joyfully to raise a voice;
How better to sound praise
We will find out in heaven!