Cyfri’r Geifr

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Tune traditional, arrangement E. Olwen Jones.

Silly or fun songs about goats are very popular in Welsh music. They are tongue twisters and sung very fast, often competitively.

E. Olwen Jones is a teacher and author. She has published many songbooks for children and young people and arrangements of folk songs for choirs. During her career she taught in schools and colleges in Bangor and Anglesey, and after retirement continues to compose and arrange.



O beth yw’r achos fod garw flewyn mân ymlaen barf gafr?
Am fod hi’n pori cyll a chelyn gyda’r cloddiau, clirwm clarwm.
Dyna’r achos fod blewyn garw mân ymlaen barf gafr.

Gafr goch, bur goch, felan gynffon goch.
Ystlys a chydyn a chynffon goch.

O beth yw’r achos fod garw flewyn mân ymlaen barf gafr?
Am fod hi’n pori cyll a chelyn gyda’r cloddiau, clirwm clarwm.
Dyna’r achos fod blewyn garw mân ymlaen barf gafr.

Gafr ddu, bur ddu, felan gynffon ddu.
Ystlys a chydyn a chynffon ddu.

O beth yw’r achos fod garw flewyn mân ymlaen barf gafr?
Am fod hi’n pori cyll a chelyn gyda’r cloddiau, clirwm clarwm.
Dyna’r achos fod blewyn garw mân ymlaen barf gafr.

Gafr wen, bur wen, felan gynffon wen.
Ystlys a chydyn a –

Dyna’r achos, dyna’r achos, dyna’r achos, dyna’r achos,
Ha ha ha ha! Dyna’r achos fod blewyn garw mân ymlaen barf gafr.


O what is the reason for the rough short hairs in front of a goat’s beard?
So that it can browse hazel and holly with(in) the hedgerows, clirwm clarwm.
That is the reason there are short rough hairs in front of a goat’s beard.

Red goat, pure red, with a red tail,
Red flank and joints and tail.

O what is the reason for the rough short hairs in front of a goat’s beard?
So that it can browse hazel and holly with(in) the hedgerows, clirwm clarwm.
That is the reason there are short rough hairs in front of a goat’s beard.

Black goat, pure black, with a black tail,
Black flank and joints and tail.

O what is the reason for the rough short hairs in front of a goat’s beard?
So that it can browse hazel and holly with(in) the hedgerows, clirwm clarwm.
That is the reason there are short rough hairs in front of a goat’s beard.

White goat, pure white, with a white tail,
Flank and joints and –

That’s the reason, that’s the reason, that’s the reason,
Ha ha ha ha! That’s the reason there are short rough hairs in front of a goat’s beard.